Driving Change on International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day and Beyond

At Beauparc, we take our environmental responsibilities towards climate action seriously. As a large energy user, we are aware of the effect of our operations on the surrounding environment and global climate. We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and are pleased to say we have set a target to reach Net Zero by 2040 and developed a detailed plan to get us there.
As an environmental services company, our interactions with the environment have always been the focus of our business; ensuring we supply a quality and cost-effective service to our customers, recycle maximum resources, while also being protective of our surroundings and the wider environment.
Energy generation
A key component of our mission is to both produce and consume sustainable energy, in 2021 Beauparc installed the Groups first PV solar array on our Dublin based MRF producing approximately 232 MWh per year, replacing 8% of the facility onsite electrical demand. In 2023, we followed this up with the installation of two more rooftop arrays accumulating an installed capacity of 3 MW. Over the next number of years, we aim to increase this to 5MW with a potential to produce a whopping 4,600 MWh of solar electricity. Our end goal is to substitute 25% of the Group onsite electricity demand with renewable solar electricity.
In addition to this, we are proud to say that through innovation – Beauparc generates more energy than consumed across all three jurisdictions via our conversion of landfill gas to electricity. We achieve this by capturing gas emissions from defunct landfills and converting it into electricity. The Group also operates a biomass to energy facility taking non-recyclable wood that would otherwise go for disposal and turning it into electricity supplied onto the national grid. In 2022 we produced 77,000 MWh of renewable energy – enough to power our business twice over or provide electricity to 18,333 homes for one year.
Our fleet and fuelling
As we look towards reaching Net zero by 2040, and as technologies develop, Beauparc will focus on its transport emissions, moving away from fossil fuels and replacing our fleet with low or zero carbon alternatives.
In 2022 we invested in a number of electric collection vehicles to service our urban routes, reducing noise and air pollution on our collections, these vehicles are perfectly suited for urban routes and collecting recyclable materials. We also utilise several electric vans across our maintenance fleet reducing our fleet related emissions. In the previous 12 months we have also commissioned Irelands first publicly accessible CNG fuelling station with a second station due for completion shortly, supporting the national transition towards low carbon fuel availability. In the same year we also invested in a fleet of CNG collection and haulage vehicles. This investment has proved an enormous success in reducing noise and other emissions to the extent that we have continued our investment with the recent acquisition of 10 additional CNG trucks to the fleet.
In line with our Net zero plan, the Group will soon begin the trial of HVO and biomethane as a low carbon yet sustainable sources of energy, while also supporting indigenous fuel supplies.
Our mission continues to be the provision of a quality, cost efficient service to our customers, maximising resource recycling, while also protecting the environment. We look forward to the journey to our net zero goal.